Sign the Petition
Tell the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission to (un)Redact the Facts of the landmark designation name of the Joseph Rodman Drake Park and Enslaved People's Burial Ground in The Bronx, NYC. Click on the image to learn more and sign the petition.
(un)Redact the Facts of Museum Exhibit Interpretations
Read (un)Redact the Facts’ k. kennedy Whiters, AIA, 2024 review of the American Folk Art Museum’s “Unnamed Figures” exhibit, published in Commonplace Journal. Click on the image below.
Redacted: a Survey
Launched in 2023. Learn more + take the national survey, now thru November 2024 — click on the image below.
Podcast Feature
Listen to (un)Redact the Facts’ k. kennedy Whiters, AIA, discuss redacted grammar + language — click on the image below.
(un)Redact the facts of (hi)story to tell a full(er) story for racial equity + healing.
(un)Redact the Facts is an offering of empathy and care for Black people to re-claim their historical narratives to tell a full(er) account of their experience in the United States.
Through the power of honest, history storytelling with (un)redacted grammar and language like the active voice instead of the passive, i.e., the “Tenets of (un)Redaction,” (un)Redact the Facts supports ancestral, healing work for past, present, and future generations.
Its mission:
Healing, humanity, equity, and agency from full(er), (un)redacted (hi)stories.
“To make amends, we must amend the archives by (un)redacting the facts to tell a full(er) (hi)story for racial equity and healing.”
- k. kennedy Whiters, AIA, founder of (un)Redact the Facts

1:1 Coaching
Bounce your ideas on building a more equitable work environment and/or external programs.
Guest Lecture
Lectures that provide your students and attendees with an overview of (un)Redact the Facts, its importance, and how to integrate the Tenets of (un)Redaction in their history communications.
Racial Equity Strategic Planning + Auditing
Setting goals is easy. Organizing them with action items can be overwhelming. Let’s organize them into achievable goals for equity and inclusion that align with your overall strategic plan.
Have a Strategic Plan? Have a Racial Equity Strategic Plan? Let’s work together to make sure you walk the walk and talk the talk, on paper and in practice.
Blog Writing
Let us contribute to your blog on topics related to racial equity.
Audits of of existing blog writing available via the “Pledge to (un)Redact the Facts”: click here.
Social Media Editing
Whether it’s a post about Black people or Black history, we’ll review it to make sure it (un)redacts the facts to tell a full(er) story about Black people.
Audits of social media available via the “Pledge to (un)Redact the Facts”: click here.
Museum Interpretations Auditing
Audit of museum exhibit interpretations available via the “Pledge to (un)Redact the Facts”: click here.